


BTL 0.70 L

5 available

COD: p23 Category: Tag:


The date of birth of this recipe, certainly the oldest of Colazingari products, is lost in the mists of time.
The manufacturing processes are maintained with extreme respect for the long pauses that distinguish the various production phases, vital secrets for the completion and natural refinement of Sambuca Fina, secrets that make this liqueur, with its exclusive personality, sweet and at the same time dry, delicate and strong, fragrant but not invasive, ultimately unique.
Type: unique liqueur
Ingredients: alcohol, sugar, infusion of vegetal substances, natural flavourings
Processing: mixing the various ingredients, resting in the tank for no less than 12 hours, very careful double filtering and bottling
Alcohol content: 40%
Smell: high aromatic intensity in which star anise stands out
Color: straw yellow with amber reflections
Taste: sambuca flavor structure, sweet but dry, with a long and pleasant persistence
Content: 0.7 litres

Additional Information

Weight 1kg
Dimensions 38.2 × 14.1 × 14.1 cm

0.70 L

Alcohol % Vol.

27 % Vol.


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